Dive into the mesmerizing depths of the ocean with this cute collection of trading cards dedicated to the Superfamily Nudibranchia, better known as sea slugs. Crafted to educate people of all ages, these cards serve as interactive mementos from aquariums or science centers.

Divided into three distinct sections, each comprising nine cards, this deck showcases 3 families within the Nudibracnchia Superfamily. On the front of the cards is a meticulous hand drawing, detailing the life-size proportion of each sea slug along with their respective sizes. On the reverse side, an intriguing puzzle, intricately weaving together the family tree of the Nudibranchia. As the pieces fall into place, a vivid tableau emerges, illustrating the evolutionary journey of these creatures and their interconnected relationships. The culmination of this project is designed to both educate and amaze people with the vibrance and diversity of these animals.

Nudibranch Trading Cards


Big Vine Home Health Services